Built in the 11th century, all that remains from this period are the lateral naves and the apse; the central nave was rebuilt between the 12th and 13th centuries. The most interesting part is the interior, with its conserved mural paintings in the central nave representing the Christ Pantocrator blessing the faithful, and images of the tetramorph and two cherubim with six wings and eyes all over their bodies; in the apse vault three scenes from the life of Jesus are depicted.
Although the paintings had been very badly restored after the Civil War, between 2018 and 2019 they were newly restored and conserved in a two-phase programme.
The mural ensemble in the apse currently shows three very distinguished pictorial periods: Romanesque mural paintings from the 12th and 13th c. which combine intimately with paintings dating back to 1946 and those discovered in the Triumphal Arch possibly dating back to the 17th and 18th centuries.
Virtual Tour
360 degrees virtual tour carried out in the Santa Eulàlia church in Vilanova de la Muga. Go to the virtual tour